Join our Partner Citations two upcoming webinars, covering the importance of equality, diversity and inclusivity in the workplace and the impacts of the Employment Rights Bill.
Care home operators face a constant challenge to ensure compliance and maintain profitability. The care sector specialist companies that form the Ownacarehome group have extensive knowledge and experience to help care home operators achieve their full potential.

Key considerations when scaling up your care home business and taking you through key points in your acquisition journey drawing upon indepth care sector experience.
This insight from the Buyacarehome group considers the key criteria on your journey to acquiring care home businesses across the UK.

Fulcrum is a dedicated care home management support service set up to add value to care home operators and their management teams.
Their team of experienced care home management professionals are on hand to provide support and guidance whether on regulation, management issues, operational matters or anything else relating to the management of care homes.
What's going on:
Join Nourish on Friday 14th February, 1pm – 2.30pm, for an essential webinar designed for social care providers navigating the rapidly evolving landscape of care technology and upcoming reforms.
Asbestos may seem like a problem of the past, but it remains a significant issue for care homes across the UK. Many older properties still contain asbestos, and failing to manage it properly can pose serious risks to health, safety, and compliance with regulations.
Chandler & Co. look forward to the year ahead and share their insights for the care sector.
Are you looking to buy a care home?
We have a dedicated website with all the latest care homes for sale
Browse and find Care Homes for sale through UK Specialist Business Transfer Agents.
Obtain Independent unbiased Care Home Financial Advice and arrange Business funding to suit your personal circumstances.